Gwarchodfa Natur Genedlaethol Merthyr Mawr
Getting Here
CYFEIRIAD: Candleston Wood Campsite, Merthyr Mawr, Rd, Bridgend, South Wales, CF32 0LS.
Follow the signs to the festival, go through Merthyr Mawr village, keep going until you see signs for General Car Park (Gate A). This is on your right hand side. You will be meet by a steward and directed to a parking place (see car parking later).
Trafnidiaeth i Between The Trees: Mae bysys a threnau rheolaidd i Ben-y-bont ar Ogwr. O'r orsaf, gellir cyrraedd safle'r ŵyl drwy daith fer mewn tacsi. Nodwch, nid oes signal ffôn symudol ar y safle, felly cofiwch drefnu eich taith tacsi yn ôl i Ben-y-bont ar Ogwr ymlaen llaw.
Tickets & Timings
Rydym yn defnyddio system E-docynnau, ac NI fyddwch yn cael tocyn papur.
A confirmation purchase email will be sent to you when you purchase your ticket/s. You can then Log in to the Fy nghyfrif section on the website to see your tickets and car passes. Print out or take a screen shot and on arrival, please exchange your E-ticket for a wrist band at the box office.
Amseroedd CYRRAEDD:
The Festival site does not open to the public until 12:00 Friday. *However, new for 2024 we introduced a limited number of “KinFolk” tickets which allow early entry into the festival site from 13:00pm on Thursday. KinFolk tickets apply to all the camping areas and live-in vehicles. Children are free on Thursday, if the accompanying adult has purchased a KinFolk ticket.
Please observe the staggered arrival times to make arrival and check-in easier to manage. Please try to arrive by the suggested times if possible;
- Live-In Vehicles from 12:00 Thursday (there is not entry into the festival site until Friday, unless you have purchased a “KinFolk” ticket)
- Field Camping from 11:00am Friday
- Forest Camping from 12:00 noon Friday
- Family Camping from 11:00am Friday
- Glamping from 11:00am Friday
- Day Visitors from 12:00 noon Friday and from 10:00am Saturday and Sunday.
Amseroedd yr Ŵyl:
- *Thursday (KinFolk): 13:00pm to 24:00 midnight
- Friday: 12:00pm to 24:00 midnight
- Dydd Sadwrn: rhwng 10:00 a 24:00 ganol nos
- Dydd Sul: rhwng 10:00 a 24:00 ganol nos
Amser GADAEL::
You MUST vacate the site by 12:00am on Monday. Campervans and Live-In Vehicles can stay until Tuesday morning but there is no entry to the festival site on the Tuesday.
“QUIET AT NIGHT”. This might seem a bit unusual, but we have a “Quiet at night” policy, which means no amplified music or excessive noise after midnight in the camping areas. This allows festival goers and the forest time to relax and restore.
A) Live-in vehicles & Caravans
- There is a designated Live-in Vehicle field beyond the General Car Park (Gate A), with a pleasant 600m woodland walk to the main festival site.
- There are NO power hook-ups. There is a short walk to the water tap, so please bring a water carrier.
- There are several nearby porta-loos, showers and a waste disposal point. NB The main toilet block and showers located in the central festival site.
- Please try to arrive early from 10:00 am Thursday .
- We only allow small caravans (no more than 2.2m wide x 6m long). You don’t have to pay for additional parking for your car.
- The access road to the festival is narrow with passing places. If you think your campervan/caravan is on the large side or close to the limit, then please email [email protected] for advice.
- We do not allow tents to be pitched in the Live-In Vehicle field due to safety reasons e.g. a reversing campervan may not see a small tent.
B) Gwersylla
Dylech ddod â phabell sydd o faint addas ar gyfer eich grŵp. Maint y lle mwyaf a roddir ar gyfer pabell i deulu (4 unigolyn) yw tua 5m x 5m (25m2) (gan gynnwys rhaffau tynhau). Os oes angen mwy na 25m2 ar gyfer eich pabell, dylech dalu'r gordaliad ar gyfer pabell fawr iawn pan fyddwch yn prynu eich tocyn.
Mae 4 parth gwersylla ar wahân.
- Field Camping is outside the woodland in a field adjacent to the general car park (Gate A).
- Mae Gwersylla yn y Goedwig y tu mewn i'r coetir mewn ardal benodedig wedi'i marcio â physt. Mae 100 lle gwersylla yma, a bydd angen i chi gerdded 600m o'r maes parcio cyffredinol i'ch lle gwersylla. Bydd whilberi ar gael i'ch helpu i gludo eich cyfarpar gwersylla, neu gallwch ddod â'ch troli ei hun.
- Family Camping: Families can camp in any of the camping areas, however there is dedicated family camping area with limited availability for families with young children. There is a dedicated car park for this area, with a short walk to your camping pitch. Access through Gate B.
- Glamping: Glamping is near to the Field camping and you will use the General Car Park (Gate A).
D.S. Ni chaniateir unrhyw gerbydau yn unrhyw un o'r ardaloedd gwersylla ar unrhyw adeg..
- In the main central barn structure there are flushing toilets and washrooms. There will also be numerous porta-loos and drinking water standpipes situated throughout the site.
- There are free hot showers and some porta-shower units. Please be considerate and spend no longer than 3 mins showering
- GWYBODAETH BWYSIG am y cyflenwad dŵr. Rydym mewn coedwig a chaiff dŵr ei storio mewn tanciau dŵr y gellir eu hail-lenwi. Mae'n bosibl y bydd cyflenwadau'r tanciau hyn yn mynd yn isel yn ystod cyfnodau brig, felly byddwch yn ddoeth wrth ddefnyddio dŵr a chofiwch ddiffodd y tapiau pan na fyddwch yn eu defnyddio.
- There is a dish washing area near the main barn area.
- Dylech ddod â'ch papur toiled eich hun gan fod y cyflenwad yn cael ei ddefnyddio'n gyflym iawn.
Food & Drink
- You are welcome to bring your own food and drink into the campsite. However, please do not bring any glass with you. Instead decant drinks into plastic bottles.
- Due to licensing regulations , it is prohibited to bring alcohol into the central festival area. There will be a bag check at the entrance to the festival. This means we can monitor alcohol consumption and keep every one safe.
- There is a fully licensed bar on-site serving a variety of real ales, ciders and wines. Excellent coffee and tea are available to purchase all day.
- Rydym yn defnyddio darparwyr bwyd lleol o'r radd flaenaf â sgôr hylendid o 5* sy'n gweini amrywiaeth o fwydydd o'r ansawdd orau, gan gynnwys bwydydd â chig yn ogystal ag opsiynau fegan, opsiynau llysieuol ac opsiynau heb glwten.
- ALL cars are parked in the GENERAL Car Park (Gate A). This is a large field outside the forest area, which is on the right-hand side as you approach the festival site. From this car park, a 600m woodland track leads to the central festival site.
- PLEASE NOTE: Parking in the FOREST is restricted to crew, performers and traders. There is a dedicated family campers car park (Gate B).
- IMPORTANT: Please login to your account on the BTT website using the email address that you purchased your tickets with and create a password. Please print out your car pass (in colour) and display in your car windscreen upon arrival.
- Ni chaniateir unrhyw geir/cerbydau yn unrhyw un o'r ardaloedd gwersylla ar unrhyw adeg..
For your safety
The festival is located in a large, wooded area and parents are advised to supervise children at all times. Warn your children not to pick any wildflowers, touch any mushrooms or harm any wildlife. Lost children should be reported immediately to a steward or security with a 2-way radio or reported at the Box Office or Merch Desk.
Diogelwch Tân
- Os bydd tân: Bydd cloch dân yn seinio a bydd y stiwardiaid yn eich cyfeirio at y man ymgynnull tân agosaf. Dylech gyfeirio at y polisi diogelwch tân ar hysbysfwrdd ysgubor y goedwig am ragor o wybodaeth. Cofiwch nodi eich man diogelwch tân a'ch safbibell dŵr agosaf.
- Rydym yn dwli ar danau gwersyll; ond dim ond tanau gwersyll wedi'u rheoli gan Between The Trees a ganiateir. PWYSIG - NI chaniateir unrhyw danau, barbeciwiau na phowlenni tân unrhyw le ar y safle gan gynnwys yr holl ardaloedd gwersylla.
- Caniateir cyfarpar coginio â nwy ond rhaid sicrhau ei fod wedi'i godi o leiaf 15cm (6 modfedd) oddi ar y ddaear er mwyn atal tân a sicrhau na wneir unrhyw niwed i'r glaswellt. Ni chaniateir i chi ddefnyddio poptai nwy y tu mewn i'ch pabell nac mewn ardaloedd amgaeedig o dan unrhyw amgylchiadau.
- Am resymau diogelwch, peidiwch â defnyddio canhwyllau na lanternau sy'n cynnwys canhwyllau yn yr ardaloedd gwersylla.
CYMORTH Cyntaf a Diogelwch
- Mae darpariaeth cymorth cyntaf ar gael ar y safle ddydd a nos. Os bydd angen cymorth cyntaf arnoch, ewch i'r man cymorth cyntaf ger y brif ysgubor ganolog. Mewn argyfwng, rhowch wybod i un o stiwardiaid yr ŵyl a fydd yn anfon neges er mwyn i un o'r gweithwyr cymorth cyntaf ddod i'ch helpu.
- Ein blaenoriaeth bennaf bob amser yw diogelwch y bobl sy'n dod i'n gŵyl. Rydym yn cydweithio â'n cwmni diogelwch a'r awdurdodau i roi'r holl fesurau sydd eu hangen ar waith. Fodd bynnag, peidiwch â gadael pethau gwerthfawr yn eich pabell, a rhowch wybod ar unwaith am unrhyw blant sydd wedi mynd ar goll ac unrhyw ymddygiad amheus i'r tîm diogelwch neu'r stiwardiaid.
WASTE & recycling
This is a beautiful natural woodland, adjacent to a SSSI, therefore, clearing up after yourselves is a must. We have “LEAVE NO TRACE” & “RESPECT” all wildlife policies and we are affiliated to Powerful Thinking, a Think-Tank organisation for greener festivals. (Please refer to our full Sustainability Policy on this website for further information)
- Rydym yn annog pobl i gael gwared ar eu gwastraff eu hunain drwy fynd ag ef gartref gyda nhw a'i ailgylchu fel y bo'n briodol.
- Cadwch y safle'n lân drwy gasglu UNRHYW sbwriel.
- We have a 4-bin system: general, recyclables (Card& Paper and Plastics & cans) and food waste. The recyclables are sorted off site. If in doubt about which bin to use, please ask.
- Dylech ddod â'ch cwpanau, eich platiau a'ch cyllyll a'ch ffyrc eich hun gyda chi os yw'n bosibl. Mae 2 sinc ar gyfer golchi llestri. Nid yw'n ddiwedd y byd os na fydd gennych eich llestri eich hun, gan fod pob un o'n harlwywyr yn darparu platiau ac ati y gellir eu hailgylchu. Bydd cwpanau plastig amlddefnydd Between The Trees hefyd ar gael i chi eu prynu wrth y bar.
- Peidiwch â gadael unrhyw eitemau gwersylla ac ati ar y safle ar ôl y digwyddiad, ac rydym yn eich annog i atgyweirio, ailddefnyddio neu ailgylchu eitemau.
General Info
ARIAN a ffonau symudol
We use contactless card machines in the central bar area, but the WiFi and Mobile signal may be unreliable so PLEASE BRING plenty of CASH.
YR HYN y dylech ddod ag ef gyda chi ☺
- Cadeiriau, blancedi a setiau picnic
- Dillad gŵyl a gwisg ffansi
- Cwpanau, platiau a chyllyll a ffyrc gwersylla
- Dillad cynnes, dillad gwely, potel ddŵr poeth – mae'n mynd yn oer yn y nos!
- We are next to a sandy beach, so bucket, spade and swim wear.
- Water carrier, torch, TOILET PAPER!!
- Troli ar gyfer cludo cyfarpar gwersylla.
- Good shoes as the ground is uneven in places, however as it’s a sand-based forest, wellies are not needed, even if it rains, which it won’t!
YR HYN NA ddylech ddod ag ef gyda chi ☹
- Dogs or any other pets (Site rules! and we love dogs sorry)
- Poteli gwydr.
- Tân gwyllt
- Systemau sain
- Barbeciwiau a phowlenni tân
We understand that there is a huge spectrum of accessibility, that is why we ask for, and provide ,1:1 consultation regarding the individual’s needs. Please email or ring Dawn Wood for a consultation at [email protected] or ring/message 07554734556.
An understanding of an individual’s needs means that we can effectively assess and manage the individuals’ expectations and develop a bespoke accessibility plan with respect to the unique opportunities but also limitations of the festival site. We provide a small number of assistance tickets each year on a 2 for one basis. (Please refer to our full Equality, Diversity and Accessibility Policy on this website for further information)