PENTRE: Well-being – Meditation – Mindfulness

Health and well-being is an integral part of the festival and is woven into many aspects of the festival. However at Pentre you can truly escape. This is the quiet central area of the forest, away from the hussle and bustle of the main festival arena. It is a peaceful sanctuary for you to unwind, relax and take in the beauty of the forest. Let us walk you through all of the activities under the alluring canopy of Pentre. As well as holistic treatments, mediation and workshops, we also offer Foraging walks, Forest Bathing and mindfulness sessions.

The Therapists

There will be a wide variety of therapists offering holistic massage, reflexology and aromatherapy. All to be announced in early 2025!

Forest Bathing and Walks

Put your walking shoes on and immerse yourself in nature, in ways you may never have done before! Join our practitioners on a series of guided walks that teach you how to forage, learn about the fungi kingdom and engage in sensory mindfulness through our sunlit forest and unique coastal habitat. 

O werthfawrogi'r digonedd o fwydydd naturiol maethlon yn y gwyllt i ailgysylltu'ch meddwl a'ch corff trwy'r synhwyrau, bydd y profiadau hyn yn ailgyflenwi'ch blasbwyntiau, yn adfywio'ch ffyrdd o feddwl ac yn adfer eich enaid! 

Y Meditation Station

Ymlaciwch, anadlwch a dadflino yn y Meditation Station trwy amrywiaeth o weithgareddau a sesiynau, gan gynnwys ioga, adweitheg, tai chi, myfyrdod, qigong, gwaith anadl a thylino.